Hello, new camera!

So this weekend I aquired a lovely new camera, courtesy of my equally lovely parents and a muddled up Christmas present. My first DSLR, a Canon 550D. I’m been wanting to take up photography for a long time, and I’m really excited to start experimenting and master as many of the features as I can. So far it’s still very much a matter of pressing a lot of buttons and seeing what happens, but hopefully I’ll start to get the hang of it soon.

These are my first few shots, that I will hopefully be able to look back on and think how terrible they all are! I like to think I can use this blog now to capture my adventures as a beginner photographer… we’ll see how it goes. For now, these are a few of the photos I (and my Dad!) took in Edinburgh.

After an initally “rocky” start (classic family reunion), we ended up having a lovely day in Edinburgh, finished with a great dinner at a noodle bar. In other news, I am into my third week of university, and so far enjoying International Health. Having a more relaxed timetable means I have lots of time for the gym and swimming, cooking and socialising, and I’ve even taken up driving lessons again! BSMc year is off to a great start. Now let’s hope it stays this way – now I can take plenty of photos as I go 🙂

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